Small Group Finder Enhancements!

Mike.Smith • January 26, 2020

A few changes have been made to settings and special content for the Small Group Finder to make it more flexible.

The following settings have been moved from the Administration Settings page to the Small Group Finder XML file. If you use these settings, they have already been moved to your XML file(s).

  • SGF-UseEmbeddedMap
  • SGF-ExtraValueHost
  • SGF-OrgTypes
  • UX-SGFSortBy

The setting that controls whether the map is displayed and the responsive layout is turned on has been split into two settings within the XML file.

What this means for you:

  • You now have the option to use the responsive layout with or without the embedded map. Prior to this change, the only way you could turn on the responsive layout was to embed a map.
  • You now can create as many Small Group Finders as desired and can customize each differently. Previously you could create multiple Finders but, since the settings were universal, it required all the Finders to be very similar. Now, if you want a Finder for your community groups to have a map but a Finder for your women's ministry to exclude the map, you can do that. There are also other settings in the XML file that can now be set per Finder.

For full documentation on the Small Group Finder, click here.

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