August Release Notes

Chris.Dolan • August 10, 2021

We are finalizing testing and documentation for our next release which you can expect this week. Be on the lookout for more detailed communication (via blog posts and documentation) once these releases have been made available. 

Here are some of the top feature changes you can expect in this release:

  1. Contribution Change Log - Finance users will now have access to a log of any changes made to contributions. Any time a contribution is modified, you will have a record of the date/time the change occurred along with the details of the change (fund, amount, date, donor, or type). In addition, if a contribution is split or deleted, these will be recorded in the log as well.
  2. Final Tasks & Notes Tweaks (still in Beta) and New APIs to Support the Mobile App Features - As we approach the launch of our newly-rebuilt feature, Tasks & Notes, this deployment addresses some minor changes identified in the beta testing. It also adds new API endpoints to support the rebuilt Tasks & Notes in the mobile app. 
  3. NEW Volunteer Scheduler (behind the scenes) - We are continuing to make great progress, and this tool will be available this Fall. 
  4. Performance Enhancements - Now that we rely so heavily on people record images we have re-architected the way these are stored and loaded. This will facilitate a faster experience in key areas like Web Check-In and the Mobile App. We are also releasing a number of backend enhancements to ensure the continued speed, reliability, and stability of existing TouchPoint tools.
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