Online Giving Enhancements & Other Finance-Related Updates

hayley.whitworth • May 12, 2021

Online Giving Pages Enhancement

When configuring your Online Giving Pages, you may now optionally include a quick search filter to allow the donor to easily locate a specific fund when giving online. This can be helpful when providing a long list of Missionaries, for example. 

Behind the scenes:

  • To enable the search box, you will need to remove the Default Fund by clearing the selection. 
  • You may also decide to reorder the list of funds (on the public-facing page) by sorting alphabetically versus sorting by how the funds were added to the Fund Options box. 

Contribution Bundle Includes Reference IDs

Contribution Bundles will now include a Reference ID. This will be helpful if multiple bundles are included in the same deposit. We will also be updating the Deposit Report to include these Reference IDs. 

Mission Trip Payments

Until now, Mission Trip payments have been processed using the same gateway as Online Registration payments. Since Mission Trip payments are considered tax deductible contributions, they will now be processed using the same payment gateway as Online Giving. 


Read more about Online Giving Setup , Bundles , and Mission Trips

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